Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Summer Photos :)

Hi Everybody,
This is Amaya and Yoko.  Here are a collection of photos from this past summer that we have been meaning to share with you.  Check out our guardian's youtube channel later today for an awesome photo shoot of us too :)  We'll put a link at the end of this post.

Climbing a tree in Dartmouth with my friend icebat (Amaya).  The next two photos are from the same photo shoot
Yoko decided to curl her hair.  She looks kind of like an alien with those curlers in.  The next photos are how her curls turned out.

and here's the back view.
here we are together, please excuse Amaya's pyjamas, she just got up and didn't feel like getting dressed yet.

Yoko is helping me, I decided to take up dance again (Amaya).  Dance classes have started up again now that september has arrived.

Here's the link to the youtube channel:

That's it for now.
Amaya and Yoko :) :)

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Rosh Hashanah 2013 (5774)

Hi Everybody,
This is Becca guest posting.  Shana tova umetukah.  Which means in Hebrew:  may you all have a good and sweet new year.  In case you were confused, today was Jewish New year (rosh hashanah).  Jewish holidays start at sundown of the previous day.  One of the traditions is to dip apple into honey and eat that for a sweet upcoming year.  The Jewish year that is starting is the year: 5774

We also usually make a honey cake :)  Here I am next to the cake, i didn't know that my hair could go in a pony tail!!!   Sorry about the bonus human legs in the background, at least the dog isn't in the photo.  Sorry the picture quality isn't the greatest, it was dark.

apples and honey and my piece of honey cake yum.

That's it for now. 
Becca :)